Make SMART New Year's Resolutions for 2015

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Make SMART New Year's Resolutions for 2015

Jasa Web Blog Murah
Selasa, 30 Desember 2014

How many of you have had the same New Year's resolution as long as you can remember? Get in shape, quit smoking, and work less always tend to top resolution lists and are also among the most broken.  

One reason for this is not enough emphasis is put on developing a good goal.  An acronym I was taught in PT school for developing goals for clients is to create goals that are SMART.  SMART goals are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.


A specific goal has much greater chance of being attained than a general goal. Rather than general goals such as "get in shape," try more specific goals such as "take a walk at lunch 3 days per week."


Establish concrete criteria so that you will know how you are progressing toward your goal. examples: lose 10 lbs, spend 10 minutes each day making a to do list to improve efficiency, and drink 2.5 liters per day of water


Don't create goals so difficult that you know you can't accomplish them.  Ask yourself, "Is this something I can commit to?" If the answer is no, make another short term goal to help lead you in the right direction.


Losing 30 lbs is realistic. Losing 30 lbs in 3 weeks is not realistic...or healthy. Making goals more realistic may be as simple as changing the time frame or breaking it down into several smaller goals.

Time Bound

For a goal to work, it should have time limits. Otherwise, your inner (or outer...) procrastinator will continue to put it off. By setting a goal with a deadline, you have something to work towards.

If these tips for a SMARTER resolution help, feel free to share!

Make this year count!